Cyber Threat Intelligence Learning Resources
I’ve been learning as much as I can about cyber threat intelligence (CTI). Although there are CTI courses and certifications for hundreds or thousands of dollars, I’ve tried to learn as much as possible from free and low-cost resources. Here are the best I’ve found. If you know of others, please let me know!
Create Your Syllabus
These resources will help you figure out what you need to learn, to create your own self-study syllabus.
SANS FOR578: Cyber Threat Intelligence course syllabus: syllabus of a respected CTI course
The Mandiant Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Analyst Core Competencies Framework (PDF): comprehensive list of CTI skills and concepts
Threat Intelligence Academy’s Cyber Threat Intelligence course syllabus: syllabus of a CTI course
EC-Council Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA) Exam Blueprint (PDF): list of concepts covered by a CTI exam
A Cyber Threat Intelligence Self-Study Plan: Part 1 and Part 2 by Katie Nickels: CTI resources to read and watch, and skills to practice
A Top 10 Reading List if You’re Getting Started in Cyber Threat Intelligence by Katie Nickels: CTI papers and books
CTI Reading List by Scott J Roberts: CTI books and papers
The 80/20 of Cyber Threat Intelligence Domain Knowledge by Jurgen Visser: list of most important CTI concepts
CTI 101 Student Handout by Andy Piazza: CTI books, tools, papers, books, articles, frameworks
Cyber Threat Intelligence Study Plan by Andy Piazza: CTI resources to read and watch, and skills to practice
Cyber Threat Intelligence Self-Study Guide by VEEXH: CTI resources to read and watch, and skills to practice
Learn CTI
There are many free resources online. It’s also worth checking what’s available through your local library, as printed books, ebooks, or video. Some US libraries provide access to O’Reilly for Public Libraries, which has many CTI ebooks and video courses.
Starting a Career in Cyber Threat Intelligence, Entry Level — Part 2 by Bogdan Kireeve: CTI frameworks, concepts, tools, and platforms
The Cycle of Cyber Threat Intelligence (YouTube video): overview of CTI concepts
SANS Threat Analysis Rundown (YouTube video): overview of CTI concepts
Awesome Threat Intelligence by Herman Slatman: info about CTI sources, formats, frameworks and platforms, tools, research, papers, and books
SANS Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit videos (the Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit playlists): talks on a variety of CTI topics
CTI Fundamentals by Curated Intel: info about CTI theory, frameworks, research, reports, and papers
Open sources tools for CTI by BushidoToken: huge collection of various CTI tools and resources
Threat Intelligence and Threat Hunting (O’Reilly video course): course about threat intelligence and threat hunting, taught by Aamir Lakhani
My blog: I’ve blogged about many CTI concepts as I’ve learned them
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The Intelligence Handbook by Recorded Future